Watched The Social Network Movie on Netflix recently. This movie is supposed to be the story of how Mark Zuckerberg, the CEO of Facebook, came up with the plan of creating the website. I like the message on their posters: You don’t get 500 Million Friends without making a few enemies 🙂
The Social Network movie was highly anticipated by the online community as Facebook has shot to popularity due to its sticky nature and the fact that it has over 500 million users. My view of Facebook was that these guys are the first ones to have implemented the social networking concept correctly. Anyway, the movie shows Mark as a arrogant but intelligent young man, who knows exactly what he is doing.
The Social Network movie starts with two law suits that go on parallely, one accusing Mark of stealing the idea of a ‘Online Community’ from the Winklewoss brothers and their partner, Narendra. The second law suit is about the other co-founder of Facebook, Eduardo, sueing Mark to pay for damages and also permanently recognise him as the co-founder of Facebook.
The entire movie is sequence of flash backs starting from Mark’s dorm room days, when he creates Facemash, then breaks up with his girl friend Erica, and then comes up with Facebook implementation plan and executes it.
The way Mark Zuckerberg has been projected in the movie is actually quite scary. If he was anywhere closely as arrogant as shown in the movie, Mark might have a very difficult time in life with people around him. In one of the sessions during the trial, the opposite side attorney asks Mark – “Do I have your full attention?” and he replies – “No. You do not. You have the minimum attention required to answer the questions completely. All my remaining attention is in my company for which I have dedicated myself”. Wow..I have never seen such a bold, emphatic response ever given to an official by anyone.
Jesse Eisenberg plays the role of Mark Zuckerberg, while Justin Timberlake also comes in the movie as Sean Parker, the founder of Napster. Sean is the one is supposed to have advised Mark to drop ‘The’ from ‘Thefacebook’ which was the original name of the website. Mark is supposed to be mesmerised by Sean’s dynamic personality and that leads to Mark and his partner Eduardo’s split.
The movie has won a few awards and has also been nominated for a few. Overall, it is a good movie, so do not miss if you get an opportunity to watch it.