I have always admired Steve Jobs for his consistency in innovating things that are immensely useful for the entire world.

It was back in 2008 when Steve Jobs introduced App Store to the world. Little did he know that he was introducing something that would change the way the world looked at the way smart phones could be monetised.

If you extend it a little bit, you will be able to see how the model is used in many platforms today.

The same model, has been the backbone of many business models, including our Five Minute Farmers platform.

Steve Jobs has explained it very clearly in five minutes. It would have taken much longer for me to explain the Five Minutes platform.

If would like to understand the Five Minute Farmers platform, please watch this video and replace ‘apps’ with ‘produce’ and developers with ‘farmers’ and ‘App Store’ with ‘Five Minutes Platform’ and ‘Apple’ with ‘Five Minutes’.
